To calculate how long a trip will take, get the total distance, and divide that by your average speed. For example, your trip is 100 miles, and you average 50 miles per hour. To calculate how many hours your trip will take, do the following:
distance = 100 miles
speed    = 50 miles/hours
time     = 100 miles ÷ 50 miles/hours = 2 hours

Exercise 1 of 6

How many hours will a 6-mile hike take if you average 1.5 miles per hour?

Exercise 2 of 6

How many hours will a 26-mile run take if you average 5 miles per hour?

Exercise 3 of 6

How many hours will a 62-mile bike ride take if you average 12.4 miles per hour, but you rest for half an hour during the ride?

Exercise 4 of 6

You are driving from Sacramento to Los Angeles, which is 390 miles. You average 65 miles per hour. How many hours will your trip take if you stop for an hour to eat lunch?

Exercise 5 of 6

You are flying from Sacramento to Los Angeles, which is 390 miles. You average 260 miles per hour. But it takes half an hour to get to the Sacramento airport, you need to get to the airport an hour early, and it takes half an hour to get off the airplane and out of the Los Angeles airport. How many hours do you save by flying versus driving at 65 miles per hour with no stops?

Exercise 6 of 6

The Sun is 93,000,000 miles from Earth. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. How many seconds does it take for sunlight to reach us?