To calculate how fast you need to travel, get the total distance, and divide that by how much time you have. For example, your trip is 100 miles, and you need to complete the trip in 2 hours. To calculate how many miles per hour you need to average, do the following:
distance = 100 miles
time     = 2 hours
speed    = 100 miles ÷ 2 hours = 50 miles/hours

Exercise 1 of 6

How many miles per hour do you need to average to complete a 6-mile hike in 2.5 hours?

Exercise 2 of 6

How many miles per hour do you need to average to complete a 26-mile run in 4 hours?

Exercise 3 of 6

How many miles per hour do you need to average to complete a 62-mile bike ride in 4.5 hours, if you rest for half an hour during the ride?

Exercise 4 of 6

You are driving from Sacramento to Los Angeles, which is 390 miles. You need to complete the trip in 6 hours. How many miles per hour do you need to average if you stop for an hour to eat lunch?

Exercise 5 of 6

You are driving from Oakland to San Francisco. The most direct route is 12 miles across the Bay Bridge. However, there's a car accident on the bridge, so you would average 15 miles per hour only if you took that route. The next most direct route is 36 miles across the Golden Gate Bridge. How many miles per hour would you need to average for the Golden Gate Bridge route to take the same amount of time as the Bay Bridge route?

Exercise 6 of 6

In the 1970s, there was a supersonic passenger airplane called the Concorde that would fly from New York City to London, which is 3,500 miles. The flight took 3.5 hours. However, it was too expensive to operate, so it was retired. These days, airplanes making that same flight take 7 hours. How many miles per hour faster was the Concorde?