Fraction to Decimal

A fraction represents a part of a whole. A fraction consists of a top number that represents how many parts, and a bottom number that represents the total number of parts. For example, if a pizza is divided into 8 slices, and you eat 3 slices, you can say that you ate 3 eighths of the pizza, written as ⅜.
A decimal consists of a whole and a fractional part, separated by a decimal point. The fractional part is written as a sequence of digits, with the leftmost digit representing how many tenths of a whole number, the next digit representing how many hundredths, etc. For example, 0.5 is 5 tenths. If a pizza is divided into 10 slices, and you eat 5 slices, you can say that you ate 0.5 pizzas, or half the pizza.
Both fractions and decimals are ways to represent non-whole numbers. Sometimes it's easier to work with a decimal, so it can be useful to convert a fraction to a decimal. To convert, divide the top number, called the numerator, by the bottom number, called the denominator. For example:
numerator   = 1
denominator = 2
decimal     = 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5
Another example:
numerator   = 1
denominator = 3
decimal     = 1 ÷ 3 = 0.3
The bar over the 3 means the 3 repeats forever. This is called a repeating decimal. Sometimes a fraction converts to a repeating decimal due to the division process.

Exercise 1 of 6

Which one is a fraction where the numerator is 4, and the denominator is 7?

Exercise 2 of 6

Which one is 0.25?

Exercise 3 of 6

The numerator is 2, and the denominator is 5. What is the decimal value?

Exercise 4 of 6

The numerator is 3, and the denominator is 4. What is the decimal value?

Exercise 5 of 6

The numerator is 1, and the denominator is 8. What is the decimal value?

Exercise 6 of 6

The numerator is 12, and the denominator is 5. What is the decimal value?