Level 1 Practice

Level 1 Practice

Required Projects

Similar to Mad Libs: Unit Converter
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Hint: In your event listener functions, make variables for the inches, seconds, and Fahrenheit values.
Hint: The conversion formula for Celsius to Fahrenheit is: f = (c * 9/5) + 32
Similar to Card Maker: Color Blender
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Hint: For laying out your page, refer to this illustration.
Hint: For blending colors, use the linear-gradient function.
Similar to Photo Editor: Guess the Rotation
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Hint: Randomly rotate the image after your variables, outside of any function.
Hint: For calculating how much the user is off by, use the Math.abs method to avoid a negative result.
Similar to Color Art: Quilt Designer
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Note: For your deployed project to have your images, add a prefetch tag for each of your images.
Hint: For putting an image in a square, use the background-image style.
Hint: For rotating a square, use the transform style.
Similar to Color Art: Yard Designer
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Note: For your deployed project to have your images, add a prefetch tag for each of your images.
Hint: For changing the yard size, use the width and height styles.
Hint: Make a function to update the cost. Call that function every time the user changes the yard size or selects a landscape.

Optional Projects

Similar to Card Maker: Meme Maker
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Hint: For making a dropdown menu, use the <select> tag with a change event listener.
Similar to Color Art: Slideshow
Template: Click this link, fork, and add your username to the project name: new project
Hint: Make a <div> for each slide. Hide every slide except for the first one by using the display style.
Hint: When the user moves the slider, hide the current slide, and show the appropriate slide.
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