
Step 2: To connect to your database, download a package called mongodb. To use the package in your code, go to index.js, and add the following near the top:
let mongodb = require(`mongodb`)
Add the following below the app variable:
let db

async function connectToDatabase() {
  let uri = `mongodb+srv://`
  let client = await new mongodb.MongoClient(uri).connect()
  db = client.db(`your-database-name`)
On the second line in the function, the connect method could take some time to connect to MongoDB Atlas. Because of that, it returns a Promise, which is an object that represents the eventual completion of an asynchronous operation. The keyword await is used to wait for the method to complete. Because await was used, the keyword async must be placed in front of the function. On the last line, change your-database-name to the name of your database. The db object can be used to access your database.
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